Apply for a Lake District Foundation Real Hedge Fund Grant Project Title*Please summarise your project in brief.*1. APPLICANT DETAILSOrganisation name*Type of applicant* Small & Medium Size Enterprises Individual School Constituted GroupPlease SpecifyCharity Number (if applicable)Company Number (if applicable)Main ContactName* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Email* Would you like to be added to the Lake District Foundation mailing list and receive our monthly enewsletter?* Yes No2. SITE INFORMATIONGeneral description of project location*Grid Reference of project site*Please attach a map of the proposed siteAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.Provide a PDF map.Nearest town / village:*Is the site designated?* SSSI NNR AONB None OtherPlease state*Would you be willing to work with the Lake District Foundation to host site visits?* Yes No*If no, please explain3. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONWhat type of project are you seeking funding for?* Hedgerow creation and improvement (habitat connectivity projects will be prioritised) Projects that increase understanding and appreciation of hedgerows and woodlands (such as citizen science and education projects)What native species of trees will be planted or maintained?*What density will the hedgerow be?*Does your work include volunteers? If so please tell us how.*What experience do you have delivering similar projects?*Project start date*Project end date*Have you applied for grant funding or stewardship schemes before?* Yes NoPlease outline your ongoing maintenance and monitoring plan.*Upload any relevant documents (PDF or word docs, up to 3 allowed) Drop files here or Select filesAccepted file types: pdf, docx, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 3.4. PROJECT COSTSTotal Project Costs*Total Project Cost Breakdown*e.g. materials, labour, transport, other costsAmount of money you are seeking from The Lake District Foundation*Have you already secured any funding for the project?Have you applied elsewhere for funding? Through your project, how will you promote the Lake District Foundation?*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.