
Are you ready for the Big Give?

Your donation, double the impact

Wild Lakes Reedbed Revival

April 18th – 25th

England’s largest lake is under pressue. We’re ready to act. Can you help?

Windermere is under extreme environmental and climate pressure.

The species decline in our largest, most visited lake is a clear call to action. Will you heed the call?

We’re raising funds to plant reedbeds that:

Boost biodiversity

Support water quality

Sustain eco-systems

What is Big Give week?

When you donate to a charity via the Big Give website, funders such as philanthropists, foundations and businesses are asked to match that donation.

So if you donate £25 during Big Give week, we’ll recieve £50 to support reedbeds in Windermere.

Double your impact, at no extra cost to you.

Help us to raise £40,000 during Big Give week which will be matched by our pledge funders, meaning we could raise a massive £80,000.

Please donate on the Big Give website from Thursday 18th April to midday on Thursday 25th April.

Are you ready for the Big Give?

Your donation, double the impact

Donations of £500+ may be donated via BACS. Contact [email protected] for more information.

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