
Help Fix the fells

Donate Now

The Lake District fells are enjoyed by millions of walkers every year but the high level paths can be surprisingly fragile and the sheer number of visitors leave a mark on the landscape. Over time grass is compacted by heavy foot traffic and dies. Heavy rainfall quickly washes away the exposed soil down the steep slopes into streams, rivers and eventually the lakes, where the increased amount of silt causes havoc for fish and other species.

The Ask

During these unprecedented times, a small donation can make a big difference! We’ve launched a crowdfunding campagin to help raise urgent funds. Your donation will help towards the following items:

  • £10 helps pay towards buying litter bags
  • £25 helps pay towards valuable training for our volunteers
 on the ground
  • £50 helps pay towards Lake Wardens to monitor algae in our Lakes
  • £100 pays towards a day for a ranger to patrol and keep the fells safe and clean
  • £200 could pay for a skilled contractor to carry out repair work

If you donate today, it’ll make a huge difference for tomorrow.

We’ve got lots of rewards to say thank you for making a donation, so get involved and help us hit the magic £5,000 mark!

Text Donate text LOVELAKES to 70085 to give £5

To make a donation, text ‘LOVELAKES to 70085 to donate £5.  This costs £5 plus a standard rate message.

Alternatively, you can opt to give any whole amount up to £20. For example LOVELAKES 20. This costs £20 plus a standard rate message

Also, if you are an individual you can even Gift Aid it!

A Big Thank You

We have had a raft of amazing images from photographers and rewards from our supporters. Without their help we could not publish and run these campaigns.

We would like to say a huge thank you to:

Alastair Herd Photograpy
Henry Iddon
Dom Reardon
Jake Daniel Purcell, all of Jake’s photos are available for print, just send him a message via his Instagram account
Edward Swindley
Ascendancy Apparel
Conquer Lake District
Swim the Lakes




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