Please tell us about the operational area you a trying to address, your current situation and the project you would like to undertake with support from the Low Carbon Lake District grant scheme. For example, you may tell us that you are a hotel that uses electricity for lighting and appliances, currently buying electricity from the grid, and you would like to install a solar PV array in order to generate your own electricity.
Please tell us how much energy is used per year in kWh or L or tonnes. For example if your proposed project is to switch to LED lights please tell us the current energy in kWh used to power your lights. The counterfacual energy consumption is the theoretical standard, so for example if you wanted to heat a new building, the counterfactual might be standard gas boiler and the proposed project might be an air source heat pump. Projects that address resource efficiency are also eligible, for example projects that save water.
Please tell us how much energy will be used per year in kWh or L or tonnes. For example if your proposed project is to switch to LED lights, please tell us the estimated energy in kWh that will be used.
Please detail how the project will be managed and what support is required.
Please tell us how you acquired these quotes (where did you advertise, or who did you invite, and who responded).
Please list all required legal permissions, including planning permissions, and their current status.